I’m still amazed that the masses don’t understand a text message (SMS) is nothing more than a phone number turned into an email address.
So when I use my blackberry, I can compose an email to my friend that has Verizon by entering MOBILENUMBER@vtext.com. You too can do this from any data device (iphone, blackberry, PDA) and hopefully realize that you can disconnect your bottled text plan.
**side note** When you speak with your carrier about disconnecting your text plan, it is important that they REMOVE the pay-per-use option. This way when your buddy forwards you frivolous chain messages, you don’t pay-per-use at $.20 per message.
Below are the domain names for each carrier’s “text messaging” address. If you have a blackberry, iphone, PDA, or any data device that requires a data plan for email, the information below is reported to you as a tip when you upload your cellphone bill at FixMyCellBill.com. The site will save you a few bucks off your price plan and give you free tips on how changing your calling behavior (not amount) helps your bottom line.
Verizon Wireless: MOBILENUMBER@VText.com
AT&T: MOBILENUMBER@txt.att.net.com
Sprint: MOBILENUMBER@messaging.sprintpcs.com
Nextel: MOBILERNUMBER@messaging.nextel.com
T-Mobile: MOBILENUMBER@tmomail.net
US Cellular: MOBILENUMBER@email.uscc.net