“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
Martin Luther King Jr. (1929–1968)
American civil rights leader
Nobel Peace Prize winner
A fitting quote to start the week in memory of MLK Jr.
Life and Business imagination and real world inspiration. It takes a special blend of dynamic thinker, and true thought leadership to command both, and to do it with flare is something that is not seen very often . Fortunately for some, myself included, a unique opportunity presented itself to be in the humble company of some extraordinary people who fit into this very elite category.
Great people can change the world and they are doing it everyday. With the pervasive speed of our digital growth, both social and economic, now more then ever, is the time for others, to stand up and inspire. If your business needs to be inspired, the collective team at iFridge is the perfect start.
Oh and by the way, if I had a photo on my fridge, it would be the one you see above. Dream big.